Welcome To My New Blog

Assalamualaikum and HELLO fellow friends over there .
First of all WELCOME to my all new fresh english-themed blog called " Work At Home Wannabes " .

This blog is created with an objective to help everybody out there who desires to work at home comfortably . Me , myself is a SAHM ( Stay-At-Home-Mom ) currently  who desired to be a WAHM ( Work-At-Home-Mom ) by designing this blog to help others too .

So , together we can unite and give opinions on how to be work-at-home fellows . Can we ?
Why must work-at-home ? Yes , i'm sure a few of you will question this . I didn't force you to work at home but i'm here to encourage and give some supports to those of you who REALLY really wanted to work at home , especially working moms who has to separate with their beloved kids a few hours per day to work in the office . Do you get my point here ? Yes you are brilliant ! From now on , step by step together we reach our goal to be a WAHM , if you are not a mom , let's say we are going to be a Home Worker . It is not impossible to reach that goal as long as we have confidence and determination .

I will try my best to post entries related to home working and making money opportunities . Hope all of you will support and give some feedbacks for me to improve this blog .

This is just a short intro and hope to see you again in my next entries , focusing about working at home . :)